Thinking about your Customer’s Customer

Posted by Butler Technologies on June 30, 2020

Thinking about your Customer’s Customers

b2b and b2c marketing graphic of a dice changingB2C vs B2B Marketing:

When it comes to marketing, there are two completely different realms you can fall between. You might be marketing directly to a consumer, which is considered to be Business to Consumer (B2C). However, you may also work for a company that sells its products to another business, which is referred to as Business to Business (B2B). Dependent upon which field your company falls within, you may have two completely different marketing mindsets.

In the B2B scenario, you’re attempting to market and sell your products to a team of buyers, who are numbers and information-driven. But if you’re selling directly to a consumer, they may be more impulse-driven where less research is done into the company or the product. They happen to have a need, and your company happens to have the solution.

Although there are distinct differences between the two, they are also very similar in many aspects! They both have the ultimate goal of selling their products, regardless of who they are selling to. They also both rely heavily on customer loyalty and their returning business, as well as being a positive reference to future customers.

customers vs consumers text written on gradient backgorundCustomers vs. Consumers:

What’s the difference between a customer and a consumer? Although they may sound very similar, there is a distinct difference between the two. A customer is oftentimes the person you’re attempting to market your products to when you are a B2B business. A customer can be thought of as the buyer of your good/service. However, a consumer is the user of the good/service. The consumer is usually the target audience when you’re marketing as a B2C. In a B2B setting, the customer is the other business buying your products with the ultimate goal of selling those products themselves to the consumer. Typically, a B2B business sells its products to a B2C business, where they will ultimately sell the products to the consumer.

Thinking about your customer’s customers:

Being a B2B business isn’t as difficult as you might think. As long as you are marketing your products with a consumer in mind. As a B2B business, you also have to take into consideration your customer’s customers. Using this thought process simplifies your company’s marketing.

Take for instance a membrane switch that is being sold to a business that creates hospital beds. As a B2B, you know that this product will ultimately be used to help treat someone who is sick or in need of help.  Because of this, you have to have your customer’s customers at the top of your mind and be aware of their needs. If you can establish the needs of the end user and articulate that, then businesses may be more inclined to purchase their products from you. Your company will be more in tune with your customers values and understand their motives.

At Butler Technologies, we know what truly matters. We are dedicated to ensuring quality products that will benefit your end consumer. Whatever it is that inspires you to do what you do, is ultimately what inspires us and our mission. We will work with you to ensure that you are getting the best product possible.

If you’re interested in getting your next project started, reach out. We’ll be happy to help you!


woman smiling, headshotMeet the Author: Jaclyn King

Jaclyn is a Digital Marketing Specialist on the BTI Team. Her main job responsibilities involve inbound marketing, content creation, and social media management. To get to know more about Jaclyn, check her out on LinkedIn!

Topics: Manufacturing & Design

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