Companies that manufacture products for use by consumers or industrial applications understand how certifications help with marketing. Products and services which have been independently reviewed to meet industrial or commercial standards have greater value than those that do not. In a world where independent verification of information is important, third party certifications can give your customer the added trust in your products and services.
Ever since the first independent certifying organizations began to appear on the industrial scene, consumers and professional purchasing agents have become accustomed to looking for the certification seal or endorsement when searching for vendors or suppliers of their preferred product or service. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) was founded in 1918 to review standards for industrial processes, equipment, and training practices taking place in the United States. For over 100 years, ANSI and other organizations have been involved in the constantly-evolving world of standards and certifications. In many respects, ANSI is the certifying agency for certification processes.
Some certifications and endorsements are easily recognized and useful for marketing and sales efforts. The major certification groups are:
The United States has a long history of creating organizations that monitor, educate, and advance various aspects of industrial manufacturing and commercial production of equipment and materials. These organizations set the standards against which companies, processes, equipment, and engineering protocols are measured to determine suitability and quality:
Some of the best known and respected certification groups work with international standards and compliance. Many US-based certification organizations also serve as international bodies for certification in other countries and regions. The reverse is also true with many internationally based groups providing certifications for American manufacturers marketing products offshore. Those groups include:
B2B and B2C marketing are significantly enhanced by providing certifications from oversight and monitoring organizations. Receiving a recognized certification communicates a clear message of professionalism and thoroughness concerning the products, people, and the company being certified. In many situations, a lack of credentials from a certifying organization can take a company or individual out of the running for a purchase or employment. Third-party certifications demonstrate a high level of quality and consistency that most purchasers expect and will use as a qualifier before deciding to buy.
Jaclyn is a Marketing Communications Specialist on the BTI Team. She serves as the Content Manager, where she primarily manages social media channels, SEO, Public Relations, and website development. To get to know more about Jaclyn, check her out on LinkedIn!